DIY chibi jack

DIY chibi jack!

If you loved nightmar before Christmas you will want to try to make this little guy! you can really use any type of clay to make it or even fondant and use them to top some Halloween cupcakes!


Magic witches brew cocktail

Magic witches brew cocktail…



  • 1 oz Grey Goose Vodka
  • 1 oz Triple Sec
  • 1 oz. Blue Curacao
  • Juice of one Lime
  • Black Sugar for coating the glass


  • Pour equal portions of the alcohol into a shaker over cracked ice.
  • Shake, then strain into a chilled martini glass that has been rimmed with black sugar.


Rotten pumpkin cocktail

Rotten pumpkin cocktail…


ec976687b0ef1d68eb2856869274c8c0 So simple to make and so pretty to look at…

all you need is…


  • 5-6 oz. Orange Juice
  • 2 oz. Vodka
  • Pour orange juice into an iced glass. Then slowly top with BLAVOD black vodka.
  • If you can’t find black vodka color your normal one with black food coloring…


Black cat cookies|Biscotti gatto nero

Black cat cookies|Biscotti gatto nero

2 cups sugar

1 cup soft butter

3 eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla

3 cups flour

3/4 cup cocoa

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

candy corn

red round candy


Combine sugar and butter in large bowl; beat at medium speed until well mixed. Add 1 egg at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla; beat until well mixed.

Combine all remaining ingredients except candies in medium bowl. Reduce speed to low; add flour mixture to butter mixture. Beat until well mixed.

Divide dough in half. Shape each half into a ball; flatten to 1/2 inch. Wrap each half in plastic food wrap. Refrigerate until firm (at least 2 hours).

Heat oven to 350°F. Roll out dough on lightly floured surface, one-half at a time (keeping remaining dough refrigerated), to 1/4-inch thickness. Cut with 3-inch round cookie cutters. Place onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Using fingers, pinch up ears at top of each circle. Place 2 pieces candy corn onto cookies for eyes and 1 red cinnamon candy for nose. Press tines of fork on each side of cookie below eyes to form whiskers.






Bake for 7 to 9 minutes or until cookies are set. Let cool 1 minute on cookie sheet; remove to wire cooling rack.





2 bicchieri di zucchero

1 bicchiere di burro morbido

3 uova

3 bicchieri di farina

1 fialetta di vaniglia

3/4 bicchiere di cacao amaro

1 cucchiaino di lievito

1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato

1 cucchiaino di sale

caramelline per decorare


Combinare zucchero e uova. Aggiungere poi un uovo per volta e aggiungere la vaniglia.

Combinare a parte tutti gli altri ingredienti, tranne le caramelle, e mescolate questo al composto di burro.

Avvolgere l’impasto in una pellicola e porre in frigo per circa 2 ore.

Riscaldare il forno a 180°.

Stendere l’impaso su una superficie infarinata e tagliare con l’aiuto di un bicchiere dei cerchi e poneteli su una teglia con carta da forno. Con le dita pizzicate l’impasto per formare le orecchie.  Formate gli occhi e il naso con le caramelle e con una forchetta formate i baffi.

Infornate per circa 8 minuti.





Easy treat for Halloween!

cb1bee3d0bd2c71ff8203a1ca1730109 All you need is:

White chocolate

Large marshmallows

Dark chocolate

Lollipop sticks

Melt the white chocolate with about a spoon of butter.

Put 3 marshmallows on a stick and dip them in the chocolate.

Allow them to dry.

Melt the dark chocolate and pipe some faces on the marshmallows!


Questi dolcetti sono facilissimi da fare!

Vi occorre:

Marshmallows grandi

cioccolato bianco

cioccolato nero


Sciogliete il cioccolato bianco con una noce di burro.

Infilate tre marshmallows su un bastoncino e immergeteli nella cioccolata.

Lasciate indurire.

sciogliete il cioccolato scuro e usatelo per fare delle faccine sui marshmallows!