Pumpkin cream cheese filled brownies

Perfect for this season are these Pumpkin cream cheese filled brownies…


1/2 cup unsalted butter
6 ounces dark or bittersweet chocolate, chopped
2 large eggs
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon brewed coffee
1 teaspoon instant espresso granules, optional but recommended
pinch salt, optional and to taste
3/4 cup all-purpose flour

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Filling
1 large egg
4 ounces cream cheese, well-softened
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

Chocolate Ganache
1 2/3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup half-and-half or cream


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line an 8-inch square pan with aluminum foil leaving overhang and spray with cooking spray, or grease and flour the pan; set aside.
  2. Brownies – In a large microwave-safe bowl, add the butter, chocolate, and heat on high power to melt, about 2 minutes total. Stop to check and stir after 1 minute. Heat in 15-second increments until chocolate has melted and mixture can be stirred smooth. Allow mixture to cool momentarily before adding the eggs so they don’t scramble.
  3. Add the eggs, sugar, vanilla, optional coffee, optional espresso granules (neither make brownies taste like coffee and both enhance and round out the chocolate flavor), optional salt, and whisk vigorously to combine.
  4. Add the flour and stir until smooth and combined.
  5. Turn half the batter out into prepared pan (I draw an imaginary line down the center of the batter with my spatula while it’s in the mixing bowl and eyeballing it, I pour half into pan); reserve remainder.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes, or until top has just set in the center; don’t overbake because pan is going back into oven. While brownies bake, prepare the filling.
  7. Filling – In a medium bowl, add the egg, cream cheese, pumpkin, sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and whisk to combine or beat with a hand mixer until smooth, about 2 minutes on medium-high power.
  8. Add the flour and stir until smooth and combined.
  9. After brownies have baked for about 15 minutes, remove pan from oven and using a spatula carefully, gently, and evenly spread the filling mixture over the brownies.
  10. Evenly top with reserved brownie batter, smoothing it lightly with a spatula. It’s normal for it to have thickened up some. I find it easiest to add golf ball-sized dollops of batter around the pan and then smooth them together with a spatula, taking care to do so gently as to not disturb the pumpkin layer. A little messy is okay because it’ll be covered with ganache.
  11. Bake for about 24 to 25 minutes, or until center has just set and is no longer glossy. The toothpick test is unreliable because you’re going to hit gooey pumpkin so it’s better to just eyeball it. Place pan on a wire rack to cook while you make the ganache.
  12. Ganache – In a medium microwave-safe bowl, add the chocolate chips, cream, and heat on high power to melt, about 2 minutes total. Stop to check and stir after 1 minute. Heat in 15-second increments until chocolate has mostly melted and mixture can be whisked smooth.
  13. Pour ganache over brownies (it’s okay they haven’t cooled completely), smoothing the top lightly with a spatula and pushing ganache into the corners. Allow brownies to cool uncovered at room temp for about one hour. Cover with a sheet of foil to prevent fridge smells, and place pan in fridge for about 3 hours (overnight is best), or until sufficiently chilled for slicing. Lift brownies out using foil overhang, slice, and serve. At room temp the ganache doesn’t set up much, but in the fridge it turns thicker without becoming rock solid. I prefer these brownies slightly chilled and store them in the fridge. Brownies will keep airtight at room temp for up to 1 week, in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or in the freezer for up to 6 months.








Per i Brownies:

1/2 bicchiere di burro morbido

3/4 bicchiere di cioccolato fondente a pezzetti

2 uova

3/4 bicchiere di zucchero

1 fialetta di vaniglia

1 cucchiaio di caffè

1 pizzico di sale

3/4 bicchiere di farina


Per il ripieno alla zucca:

1 uovo

1/2 bicchiere di philadelfia

1/2 bicchiere di puree di zucca

1/4 bicchiere di zucchero

2 cucchiaini di cannella

3 cucchiai di farina


per la ganache:

1 bicchiere di goccie di cioccolato

1/2 bicchiere di panna


Come prepararli:

Riscaldare il forno a 200°c. Imburrare ed infarinare una forma per torte.

Sciogliere il burro con il cioccolato, lasciar raffreddare leggermente e mescolarci le uova, zucchero, vaniglia, caffè e sale. Aggiungere infine la farina ed amalgamare bene il tutto.

Versare metà dell’impasto nella teglia ed infornate per 15 minuti, non di più perchè i brownies dovranno tornare in forno.

Preparate il ripieno.

Per il ripieno lavorate l’uovo, la philadelfia, puree di zucca, zucchero e spezie fino a quando tutto liscio ed omogeneo poi aggiungete la farina.

Dopo 15 minuti di cottura dei brownies toglieteli dal forno, copriteli con il ripieno alla zucca e rimetteteli nel forno per circa 25 minuti.

Una volta sfornati preparate la ganache…

Aggiungete la panna bollente al cioccolato mescolando per far sciogliere bene il tutto… versatelo sui brownies assicurandovi che sia tutto coperto.

Lasciate raffreddare per 1 ora fuori dal frigo e circa 3 ore in frigo!

Pumpkin spice latte

Pumpkin Spice Latte


2 tbsp pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Ground Cloves (Mace or All-Spice are good substitutions)
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
2 cups milk
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 cup hot brewed coffee or 1/4 Cup brewed Espresso


 In a medium saucepan, heat the pumpkin and spices over medium-high heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

 Add Milk, Sugar and vanilla to the saucepan, and heat until hot being careful not to bring it to a boil.

Put the mixture into a blender and blend until smooth and slightly frothy then add the coffee and blend until just combined.

Pour into two large mugs and top with whipped cream and a mixture of nutmeg, ginger, cloves and cinnamon if desired.

thv th




– 2 cucchiai di puree di zucca

– 1/2 cucchiaino di cannella

– 1/2 cucchiaino di chiodi di garofano

– 1/2 cucchiaino di noce moscata

– 2 bicchieri di latte

– 1 cucchiaio di zucchero

– 1 cucchiaio di vaniglia

– 1 tazzina di caffè


In un pentolino riscaldate il puree di zucca con le spezie.

Aggiungere latte, zucchero e vaniglia e fate riscaldare il tutto senza farlo bollire.

Mettere tutto nel frullatore, aggiungere il caffè e frullare il tutto per farlo amalgamare. Versare in una bella tazza e decorare con panna montata e spezie!