Speculaas Biscuits

Speculaas Biscuits!


  • 100g/3½oz plain flour

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • ½ tsp ground ginger

  • ½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

  • ½ tsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 50g/2oz soft brown muscovado sugar

  • 1 tbsp whole milk

  • 75g/2½oz butter

  • 2 tbsp candied peel, finely chopped

  • flaked almonds, to garnish (optional)

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the flour, cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, baking powder, salt, muscavado sugar, milk, butter and candied peel until well combined.
  3. Using your hands, bring the mixture together as a dough.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and roll out to a 0.5cm/¼in thickness.
  5. Using a cookie cutter, cut out shapes or circles from the dough and place them onto the lined baking tray. Decorate the tops of the biscuits with flaked almonds, if using.
  6. Transfer the biscuits to the oven and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until golden-brown. Set aside to cool on a wire rack, then serve.


Speculoos-Recipe-4   Ingredienti:

– 100 gr farina

– 2 cucchiaini di cannella

– 1 cucchiaino di zenzero

– 1 cucchiaino di noce moscata

– 1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato

– 1 cucchiaino di sale

– 50 gr di zucchero di canna

– 1 cucchiaio di latte

– 75 gr di burro

– buccia di arancia candita finemente tagliata


Riscaldare il forno a 180°c.

Lavorate tutti gli ingredienti per ottenere l’impasto. Una volta formati i biscotti infornate per 15-18 minuti.


Chocolate chunk peppermint cookies

Chocolate chunk peppermint cookies…

I bet santa will love these ones!


  • 3/4 cup butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 1 cup crushed candycanes
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks


  1. Cream together butter and sugars.
  2. Beat in cocoa.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until well incorporated.
  4. Add baking soda and flour and beat until well incorporated.
  5. Stir in candycanes and semi-sweet chocolate chunks.
  6. Roll into 1″ balls and place on a greased baking sheet.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees F for 8-10 minutes.


chocolate-peppermint-cookies-web1   Ingredienti

– 3/4 bicchiere di burro morbido

– 3/4 bicchiere di zucchero di canna

– 1/4 bicchiere di zucchero

– 1/2 bicchiere di cacao

– 2 uova

– 1 fialetta di vaniglia

– 2 cucchiaini di bicarbonato

– 2 e 1/4 bicchieri di farina

– 1 bicchiere di pezzetti di candycanes

– 1 bicchiere di cioccolato a pezzetti


Lavorare il burro con gli zuccheri.

Aggiungete il cacao.

Aggiungete e lavorate uova e vaniglia e poi aggiungete il resto.

Aggiungete candycanes e pezzi di cioccolato.

formate delle palline e infornate a 180°c per circa 10 minuti.



Snowball cookies!

Snowball cookies!

They will just melt in your mouth…



  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped Pecans ( you can substitute them with chocolate chips or leave them out )
  • 1 1/2 – 2 cups powdered sugar, for coating

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix butter on medium speed until creamy, about 20 seconds. Blend in 2/3 cup powdered sugar and salt. Mix in vanilla. Sprinkle cornstarch over mixture (just so it doesn’t blend into one area) then with mixer set on low speed slowly add in flour and mix just until combine. Stir in Pecans. Scoop dough out 1 Tbsp at a time and roll into a ball, then place balls on Silpat or parchment paper lined baking sheets and bake in preheated oven for 16 – 18 minutes, until bottom edges are lightly golden (these are a cookie that I think are best when they aren’t moist in the center so I’d say don’t under bake them. These actually are a cookie that are meant to be dry. Dry but a melt in your mouth kind of dry). Remove from oven and allow to cool several minutes then while cookies are still warm, pour 2 cups powdered sugar into a bowl and roll cookies in powdered sugar. Transfer to a wire rack to cool then once cookies are cool, roll in powdered sugar once more, this time to generously coat (I pressed it into the powdered sugar to give it a thick coating. Store cookies in an airtight container.




– 1 bicchiere di burro morbido

– 2/3 bicchiere di zucchero a velo

– 1 pizzico di sale

– 1 fialetta di vaniglia

– 3 cucchiai di amido di mais

– 2 bicchieri di farina

– 1/2 bicchiere di pecans oppure altre noci finemente spezzettate o goccie di cioccolato o potete non mettere nulla.

– zucchero a velo per rotolarci dentro i biscotti


Riscaldate il forno a 180°c.

Lavorate il burro fino a diventare cremoso. Aggiungete 2/3 bicchiere di zucchero a velo, poi il resto degli ingredienti. In fine aggiungete le noci. Formate delle palline e infornate per 16-18 minuti.

Lasciate raffreddare prima di rotolarli nello zucchero a velo.

Gingerbread man – Omini pan di zenzero

Gingerbread man – Omini pan di zenzero

Eccovi la ricetta dei famosissimi biscotti natalizi americani! potete realizzarli nella forma di omino oppure in qualsiasi altra forma che desiderate! per decorarli si usa la ghiaccia reale, potete colorarla e usare anche delle caramelline!


  • Farina 400 g
  • Burro 120 g
  • Zucchero 100 g
  • Uova 1
  • Miele 120 g
  • Sale 1 pizzico
  • Cannella 2 cucchiaini
  • Zenzero 2 cucchiaini
  • Noce moscata mezzo cucchiaino
  • Chiodi di garofano in polvere mezzo cucchiaino
  • Bicarbonato 1 cucchiaino


Lavorate la farina e il burro pizzicandoli, dovete ottenere un composto sabbioso.

Dopo questa prima lavorazione aggiungete tutti gli altri ingredienti e formate una palla lucida e compatta.

Avvolgete l’impasto nella pellicola trasparente e appiattitelo con le mani.

Lasciate in frigo per due ore.

Una volta trascorso il tempo necessario, l’impasto sarà compatto  e duro, pronto per essere lavorato.

Mettete su un tagliere un po’ di farina e cospargete cannella e zucchero. A questo punto tirate la pasta con il mattarello fino a ottenere 5 millimetri di spessore.

Prendete il tagliabiscotti a forma di omino di zenzero, e tagliate i vostri profumatissimi biscotti.

Metteteli a cuocere in forno caldo a 180° per 8 minuti.


thk       Ingredients:

– 400 gr flour

– 120 gr soft butter

– 100 gr sugar

 – 1 egg

 -120 gr honey

 – 1 pinch of sat

– 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

– 1 teaspoon of ginger

– 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg

– 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

Mix butter and flour. When wel incorporated all all the rest of the ingrediants and let rest in the fridge for 2 hours before making your cookies.

bake for 8 minutes at 180°c.

Cool compleatly befor decorating.



Peppermint Shortbread

Peppermint Shortbread!


  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 cup butter, cubed (and cold)
  • 1 1/4 cups crushed candycanes
  • 1 tsp extract (vanilla, almond, or peppermint)
  • red food coloring (optional)
  • more sugar to coat cookies before baking if desired


  1. Combine flour and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Use a pastry blender to cut in butter. You want very fine crumbs.
  3. Stir in extract, food coloring, and candycanes
  4. Use your hands to knead the dough until it comes together and forms a ball.
  5. Shape dough into a log about two inches in a diameter and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for two hours.
  6. Preheat oven to 325F.
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  8. Cut slices of cookie dough about 1/4 inch thick and place on baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes or just until cookies are set. Do not over bake.
  9. Let cool for several minutes on baking sheet before removing to cooling rack. Let cool completely.
  10. Store in airtight container for 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.










  • 2 e 1/2 bicchieri di farina
  • 3/4 bicchiere di zucchero
  • 1 bicchiere di burro
  • 1 e 1/4 bicchiere di candycanes a pezzetti
  • 1 fialetta di estratto di vaniglia o mandorla
  • colorante rosso se volete dargli un colore più vistoso
  • zucchero per coprire i biscotti prima di infornare se lo desiderate

Combinate farina e zucchero.

Aggiungete il burro e frullate fino a formare delle briciole.

Aggiungete l’estratto, il colorante e i candycanes.

Lavorate il tutto con le mani per formare l’impasto. Avvolgetelo nella pellicola e ponete in frigo per 2 ore.

Aquesto punto formate i vostri biscotti e infornate per 10-12 minuti a 170°c.



qui nella foto è stato aggiunto il colorante rosso e poi decorati!

Sugar Cookies

Sugar Cookies… who doesn’t like them!?


  • 2 cup(s) (4 sticks) butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 cup(s) sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
  • 5 cup(s) flour
  • 1 teaspoon(s) salt
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon(s) ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon(s) ground allspice


  • Beat the butter, using a mixer on medium-high speed. Beat in the sugar, eggs, yolks, and vanilla. Reduce mixer speed to medium-low and beat in the remaining ingredients. If tinting dough, add food coloring.
  • For chocolate dough, reduce flour to 4 1/2 cups and add 2/3 cup cocoa. For hand-formed cookies, transfer to an airtight container. For rolled and cut cookies, divide dough in half, form into 1-inch-thick slabs, and cover tightly with plastic wrap. For sliced cookies, use parchment paper to roll dough into logs.
  • Chill dough at least 2 hours. And chill formed cookies 20 minutes before baking at 350 degrees F on parchment-lined baking pans 10 to 15 minutes, depending on cookie size. For tinted-dough cookies, reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees F and bake 12 to 18 minutes.




Sugar cookies … sono perfetti per creare ogni forma di biscotto Natalizio!


  • 2 bicchieri di burro
  • 1 e 1/2 bicchiere di zucchero
  • 2 uova
  • 3 tuorli
  • 1 fialetta di vaniglia
  • 5 bicchieri di farina
  • 1 cucchiaino di sale
  • 1/2 cucchiaio di cannella

Lavorare il burro, aggiungete poi le uova, zucchero, farina e vaniglia. Abbassate la velocità e aggiungete il resto degli ingredienti.

Avvolgere l’impasto nella pellicola e porre in frigo per 2 ore.

Formate poi i vostri biscotti e infornate per 10-15 minuti a 180°c.



Chocolate sugar cookies

Chocolate sugar cookies! Perfect for Christmas and so easy!

  • 2 cups unsalted butter (at room temperature)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tsp vanilla
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Cream the butter and sugar together in the bowl of an electric mixer on low to medium speed (Use a paddle attachment). Mix until thoroughly incorporated – for about one minute. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a plastic spatula and mix again for a few seconds more. Over mixing the butter and sugar in this step will cause too much air to be incorporated into the dough. If you’d like a light and fluffy cookie, that’s ideal, however the dough will spread more during baking; not ideal if you’d like the cookie to hold its shape.
  2. Add eggs slowly and mix. Scrape down the bowl with your spatula at least once and mix again.
  3. Add liquid vanilla extract. Stir briefly.
  4. Sift your dry ingredients together. (Flour, cocoa powder and salt).
  5. Add all of the flour mixture to the bowl. Place a large tea towel or two small tea towels between the edge of the bowl and the electric mixer so that the flour won’t escape. Mix on low speed for 3o seconds. Remove the tea towels and observe the dough mixing; when it clumps around the paddle attachment it’s ready. It’s also important at this stage not to over mix the dough.
  6. Roll the dough out between 2 large pieces of parchment paper. Place on a baking sheet and into the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour.
  7. Roll out the dough further if you need to, and cut out cookie shapes. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Re-roll scraps and repeat.
  8. Put cookie dough shapes back into the fridge for 10 minutes to 1 hour to chill again. They will then hold their shape better when baked.
  9. Preheat your oven to 350°F or 176°C.
  10. Bake cookies for 8-12 minutes or until the center of the cookie no longer looks wet. The baking time will depend on the size of your cookie.
  11. Let cookies cool to room temperature and decorate!

















2 bicchieri di burro a temperatura ambiente

2 bicchieri di zucchero

2 uova

1 fialetta di vaniglia

4 bicchieri di farina

1 bicchiere e mezzo di cacao

1 cucchiaino di sale


Lavorare burro e zucchero e aggiungere le uova.

Aggiungete la vaniglia e tutti gli ingredienti secchi ma non lavorate troppo l’impasto.

Avvolgete l’impasto nella pellicola e ponete in frigo per 1 ora.

tagliate i vostri biscotti e infornate per circa 10 minuti a 180°.

Fateli raffreddare e decorateli!


Banana cookies|Biscotti alla banana

imagesg Banana cookies|Biscotti alla banana

  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 egg, room temperature
  • 1 cup of mashed bananas (about 2 ½ large bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 cups of flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground mace or nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 1 cup of pecans (walnuts and chocolate chips are fine alternatives)


1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg and continue to beat until the mixture is light and fluffy.

2 In a bowl, mix the mashed bananas and baking soda. Let sit for 2 minutes. The baking soda will react with the acid in the bananas which in turn will give the cookies their lift and rise.

3 Mix the banana mixture into the butter mixture. Mix together the flour, salt, and spices and sift into the butter and banana mixture and mix until just combined.

4 Fold into the batter the pecans or chocolate chips if using. Drop in dollops onto parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 11-13 minutes or until nicely golden brown. Let cool on wire racks.



  • 1/2 bicchiere burro morbido
  • 1 bicchiere di zucchero
  • 1 uovo
  • 2 e 1/2 banane schiacciate
  • 2 cucchiaini di bicarbonato
  • 2 bicchieri di farina
  • 1 pizzico di sale
  • 1/2 cucchiaino di cannella
  • 1/2 cucchiaino di noce moscata
  • 1 bicchiere di noci, goccie di cioccolato o entrambi

Riscaldare il forno a 200°c.

Frullare burro e zucchero fino a diventare spumosi poi aggiungere l’uovo e continuare a lavorare.
In una ciotola mescolate banane e bicarbonato e fate riposare 2 minuti poi versarlo nel composto di burro e mescolare.
Aggiungere sale, farina e spezie. Aggiungere infine noci e cioccolato .
Infornare biscotti per circa 13 minuti o fino alla doratura desiderata.!

Peanut butter crinkle cookies

Peanut butter crinkle cookies…

Biscotti al burro di arachidi…



1 large egg
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (not natural or homemade, too runny)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened (1 stick)
1/2 cup granulated
1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
pinch salt, optional and to taste
granulated sugar, for rolling


  1. To the bowl of a stand mixer (or large mixing bowl with electric mixer), combine egg, peanut butter, butter, sugars, vanilla, and beat on medium-high speed until smooth and creamed, about 4 minutes. Stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl.
  2. Add the flour, baking soda, optional salt, and beat on low speed until just incorporated, about 1 minute.
  3. Using a large cookie scoop, 1/4-cup measure, or your hands, divide dough into 12 equal-sized mounds. Roll the mounds into balls, and flatten just slightly. Dough is very soft, limp, and mushy so be gentle with it.
  4. Place mounds on a large plate or tray, cover with plasticwrap, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, up to 5 days. Do not bake with unchilled dough because cookies will bake too thin, flat, and will spread far too much.
  5. Preheat oven to 350F, line a baking sheet with a Silpat or spray with cooking spray; set aside.
  6. Dredge each mound dough through granulated sugar, coating liberally.
  7. Place dough mounds on baking sheet, spaced at least 2 inches apart. I bake 8 cookies per sheet; do not crowd because the cookies spread considerably. Bake for about 12 minutes (start checking at 10 minutes), or until edges have set and tops are just set, even if slightly undercooked, pale, and glossy in the center; don’t overbake because cookies firm up as they cool. If you’re an oven door watcher, the cookies begin crinkling about 9 minutes into baking, and the longer the bake, the more they crinkle and continue to do so as they cool. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for about 10 minutes before serving. I let them cool on the baking sheet and don’t use a rack.
  8. Cookies will keep airtight at room temperature for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 6 months. Alternatively, unbaked cookie dough can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, or in the freezer for up to 4 months, so consider baking only as many cookies as desired and save the remaining dough to be baked in the future when desired.











1 uovo
1/2 bicchiere di burro di arachidi cremoso
1/2 bicchiere di burro morbido
1/2 bicchiere di zucchero
1/2 bicchiere di zucchero di canna
1 fialetta di vaniglia
1 1/4 bicchieri di farina
2 cucchiaini di bicarbonato
pizzico di sale

zucchero per la copertura


Combinate uovo, burro di arachidi, burro morbido, zuccheri e vaniglia e lavorarli fino a diventare cremosi.

Aggiungete farina, bicarbonato e sale e lavorate per 1 minuti.

Formate delle palline di impasto, appiattirle con le mani e poneteli su una teglia con carta da forno in frigo per circa 2 ore.

Infornate per circa 12 minuti.


Candy corn bars

Candy corn bars!
Ingredients (32 bars)


  • 3/4 cup butter melted, slightly cooled
  • 1 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 tablespoon grated orange peel
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 4 drops yellow food color
  • 3 drops red food color


  • 1/2 cups soft butter
  • 1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla (I used clear)
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • – candy corns for decorations
1. Preheat over to 325. Use a 9″ square pan that is lined with foil – leaving 2″ extra on each side. Spray with PAM.
2. Beat the melted butter, sugar and orange peel with a wooden spoon until mixed well. Beat by hand one egg at a time. Combine the flour and baking powder then add to butter mixture, mixing until just combined. Stir in yellow food coloring and mix well. Take out 1 1/2 cups of batter and spread in pan and freeze for 15 minutes.
3. Add red food coloring to remaining batter then spread over chilled batter.
4. Bake until toothpick comes out clean – about 45 minutes. Cool completely.
5. Frosting – beat the soft butter until fluffy then add powered sugar until well blended. Beat in milk, vanilla, and salt until smooth. Frost bars then remove from pan using foil handles.
6. Cut into 16 squares then cut each on a diagonal – top each with candy corn.
Per il frosting
  • 1/2 bicchiere di burro morbido
  • 1 3/4 bicchieri di zucchero a velo
  • 1 to 2 cucchiai di latte
  • 1 fialetta di vaniglia
  • 1 pizzico di sale
  • – candy corns per decorare


Per le barrette

    • 3/4 bicchiere di burro sciolto
    • 1 3/4 bicchieri di zucchero
    • 1 cucchiaio di buccia grattuggiata di arancia
    • 4 uova
    • 1 3/4 bicchieri di farina
    • 2 cucchiaini di lievito

  • colorante giallo
  • colorante rosso


Riscaldare il forno a 200°.

Lavorare burro,zucchero e buccia di arancia. Aggiungere 1 uovo per volta poi farina e lievito. Colorare il tutto con il colorante giallo, togliere 1 bicchiere e mezzo di impasto, metterlo nella teglia e congelare per 15 minuti. Aggiungete il colorante rosso al resto per ottenere un colore arancione e versarlo poi nella teglia. Infornare per circa 45 minuti.

Preparate il frosting lavorando e montando tutti gli ingredienti. Cospargere le barrette e decorare con le caramelle…