Summer Centerpiece Ideas!

Summer Centerpiece Ideas!

It’s summer, patios are up and we are getting ready for bbq season… so why not have even some cute centerpieces?

Here are some ideas easy to copy!

Qui alcune idee per centro tavola dall’aspetto estivo per le vostre cene all’aperto!

Did you ever think of coloring your pineapples?


What about using cocktail umbrellas??? all you have to do is stick them into a sponge ball!



… You can use your childrens bukets like this…



… Some candle centerpieces…

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… Some floral ones…


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And you can follow the pictures to make this simple but beautiful one!



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DIY Peel Off Mask For Blackheads

DIY Peel Off Mask For Blackheads.

DIY Peel Off Mask For Blackheads just like the one you would buy in a store!

You will need:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin
  • 2 tablespoons of milk

Make sure your face is clean and steam it to open pores.

Lightly beat the egg yolk.

melt gelatin with milk, let cool then add the egg and mix well.

At this point spread over your face and let sit for about 30 minutes. After peel off, rinse with warm water and then pass some cold water to close the pores!




Per preparare una maschera per rimuovere i punti neri avete bisogni di:

  • 1 albume d’uovo
  • 1 foglia di gelatina
  • 2 cucchiai di latte

Assicuratevi che il vostro viso è pulito e se potete lasciate il vostro viso nel vapore per qualche minuto per aprire i pori.

Sbattete leggermente l’albume.

Sciogliete la gelatina con il latte. Lasciate raffreddare e poi aggiungete l’albume.

Spalmate il composto sul viso e lasciate riposare per circa 30 minuti. Dopo levatela come se fosse un adesivo! passate dell’acqua calda sul viso, e poi fredda per richiudere i pori.

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Summer Wreath Ideas!


Summer Wreath Ideas!

Summer Wreath Ideas! So pretty, so easy to make! You might want to copy one of these…

What screams summer more then flip flops and beach bags? so here is how to use them in a wreath!



And here is where you can hang your umbrella during the summer with some bows and flowers!


… And here how to use your rain boots!


This one is made with grape vine and butterflies cut outs from news papers!


… Awesome way to use a straw hat with some flowers…



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Grow Tulips in a vase!

Grow Tulips in a vase!

Grow Tulips in a vase to make them last longer and not get ruined by the weather and animals! This is how… you just need Marbles of other glas pebbles, a vase and bulbs.

Fate crescere i vostri tulipani in un vaso per farli durare di più, per fare in modo che il brutto tempo o gli animali li rovinino! vi occorrono delle pietre di vetro o biglie, un vaso e bulbi.

Riempite il vaso d’acqua solo fino a quando le biglie sono coperte di acqua!


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Easter egg decorating ideas!

Easter egg decorating ideas!

Easter egg decorating ideas! Pretty and easy to copy!

Idee facili da copiare per decorare le uova!

 If you have some pretty buttons and don’t know what to do with them, this is a great very pretty idea to decorate some eggs! Just glue them on eggs and make everyone jelous…

Se avete bottoncini colorati semplicemente incollateli sulle uova per un effetto che farà invidia!




If you have some pretty napkins that you always felt bad to use, cut out the flowers or any other designe on them, put them on the egg and brush some glue over them!

Ritagliate quei bellissimi fiori sui tovaglioli, poggiateli sull’uovo e spennellate con la colla!



You don’t need to be an artist to make these pretty flower decorated eggs, all you need is some toothpicks and acrilic colors!

Usando uno stuzzica denti potete creare dei fiori molto carini!




Make some polka dot glitter eggs but brushing dots of glue on the eggs and just roll them in glitter…

Fate uova glitter! Spennellate i punti dove volete far aderire i brillantini e rotolateci dentro l’uovo.



If you want to make some robin eggs all you have to do is paint eggs in pastel colors and take an old toothbrush, dip it in browm pain and gently press it on the egg!

Per creare un uovo più realistico colorate le uova e usando uno spazzolino e colore marrone mettetevi all’opera!



You can make some chalkboad eggs. Paint them black and write some messages with chalk!

Potete creare delle uova lavagna colorando le uova di nero e scrivendo col gesso dei messaggi!



Make some marble nail polish eggs!

Uova effetto marmo!



Smiley faces…



Cartoon eggs…





Super Mario ones…



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