Easter egg decorating ideas!

Easter egg decorating ideas!

Easter egg decorating ideas! Pretty and easy to copy!

Idee facili da copiare per decorare le uova!

 If you have some pretty buttons and don’t know what to do with them, this is a great very pretty idea to decorate some eggs! Just glue them on eggs and make everyone jelous…

Se avete bottoncini colorati semplicemente incollateli sulle uova per un effetto che farà invidia!




If you have some pretty napkins that you always felt bad to use, cut out the flowers or any other designe on them, put them on the egg and brush some glue over them!

Ritagliate quei bellissimi fiori sui tovaglioli, poggiateli sull’uovo e spennellate con la colla!



You don’t need to be an artist to make these pretty flower decorated eggs, all you need is some toothpicks and acrilic colors!

Usando uno stuzzica denti potete creare dei fiori molto carini!




Make some polka dot glitter eggs but brushing dots of glue on the eggs and just roll them in glitter…

Fate uova glitter! Spennellate i punti dove volete far aderire i brillantini e rotolateci dentro l’uovo.



If you want to make some robin eggs all you have to do is paint eggs in pastel colors and take an old toothbrush, dip it in browm pain and gently press it on the egg!

Per creare un uovo più realistico colorate le uova e usando uno spazzolino e colore marrone mettetevi all’opera!



You can make some chalkboad eggs. Paint them black and write some messages with chalk!

Potete creare delle uova lavagna colorando le uova di nero e scrivendo col gesso dei messaggi!



Make some marble nail polish eggs!

Uova effetto marmo!



Smiley faces…



Cartoon eggs…





Super Mario ones…



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