Pie Hearts

Pie Hearts.

Pie Hearts are sooooo easy to make because you need only a couple of ingredients and a heart shape cookie cutter…  and would be adorable for a Valentine’s Day breakfast!

You will need:

  • pie crust
  • strawberry or cherry jam
  • 1 egg beaten plus 1 tablespoon milk
  • sparkling sugar
  1. Using a rolling pin, roll the pie crust so it is slightly thinner and to mend any cracks from rolling it out.
  2. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter, cut out twelve hearts and place them on a Silpat or parchment paper lined baking sheet.
  3. Place a teaspoon of jelly onto the center of each heart.
  4. Press gently around the edges of the heart to seal. Use the blunt end of a wooden skewer making “dots” all around the perimeter to further seal the edges or use a fork.
  5. Whisk the egg and milk together, and when the oven is ready, remove the hearts from the freezer and brush the top with the egg wash. Sprinkle the top generously with the sparkling sugar.Bake for 10-13 minutes at 425°f , or until the crust is golden brown around the edges.


Per preparare questi tortini a cuore vi occorre:

-Pasta sfoglia

-confettura di ciliegia o fragola

-1 uovo e 1 cucchiaio di latte


-un taglia biscotti a forma di cuore


Preriscaldate il forno a 220°c. Stendete la sfoglia e usando il taglia biscotti ritagliate dei cuori.

Mettete della marmellata al centro di un cuore e poi ponete un altro cuore sopra. Premete i bordi per sigillare e per assicurarvi che sono ben sigillati usate un forchetta e premete sui bordi.

Spennellate con l’uovo sbattuto e il latte e coprite con zucchero. Infornate per circa 13 minuti o fino a quando sono dorati.

Mini Heart Shaped Cranberry Hand Pies _ad _EasyAsPotPie 6_1