Strawberry Fudge

Strawberry Fudge!

This Strawberry fudge will make an easy dessert on Valentine’s day!

You only need two ingredients:

16 oz Strawberry Frosting
12 oz bag White Chocolate
Heart shape decorations (optional)


Line 8×8 pan with parchment paper or spray with cooking spray.
Place white chocolate in medium bowl and melt in microwave by cooking in 30 second intervals, stirring and repeating.
Immediately stir in frosting until well mixed.
Spread into pan.
Decorate top if desired.
Place in refrigerator for at least half an hour to set.
Cut into sqaures or use heart shape cookie cutter and serve.
In this size pan, the fudge pieces are about 5/8″ thick. If you want thicker, make a double batch.





Vi occorreranno solo due ingredienti:

1 bicchiere e 3/4 di cioccolato bianco

2 bicchieri di frosting al burro alla fragola

confettini a cuore per decorare


Mettete della carta da forno sul fondo di una teglia.

Sciogliete il cioccolato, aggiungete il fronsting e mescolate bene.

Stendete il composto nella teglia, decorate con i confettini e mettete in frigo per un oretta.

Quando si sarà indurito tagliate il fudge!