Almond Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

Almond Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies.

Almond Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies with a drizzle of glaze with look beautiful on your table this Christmas!


  • 2 cups + 2 Tbsp (300g) all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, cold and diced into 1 Tbsp pieces
  • 2/3 cup (140g) granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract
  • 1/2 cup raspberry jam, seedless if preferred

For the glaze:

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 2 – 4 tsp water

Preheat oven to 350°F. Whisk flour and salt and set aside.

In the bowl of an electric stand mixer blend together butter and sugar until combined. Mix in almond extract then add in flour blend until mixture comes together.

Shape dough into balls, about 1 Tbsp each, and place 2-inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Make a small indentation with thumb or forefinger in each cookie. Fill each with jam. Chill in refrigerator 20 minutes. Bake in preheated oven 14 – 18 minutes.

Cool several minutes on baking sheet then transfer to a wire rack to cool.Drizzle cookies with glaze when when cool.



  • 300 gr di farina
  • 1 pizzico di sale
  • 1 bicchiere di burro tagliato a pezzetti
  • 140 gr zucchero
  • 1 fialetta di estratto di mandorla
  • marmellata ai lamponi


  • 1 bicchiere di zucchero a velo
  • 1/2 fialetta di estratto di mandorla
  • 1-2 cucchiai di acqua

Preriscaldate il forno a 180°c. Mescolate farina e sale e mettete da parte.

Montate burro e zucchero per farli combinare. Aggiungete poi l’estratto di mandorla e la farina fino a quando si forma l’impasto.

Formate delle palline e distanziateli su una teglia. Premete nel centro il pollice, riempite con la marmellata e ponete in frigo per 20 minuti. Infornate poi per 14-18 minuti.

Una volta raffreddati preparate la glassa e decorate i biscotti!

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