Frozen Strawberry Rum Yogurt Pie

Frozen Strawberry Rum Yogurt Pie.

Frozen Strawberry Rum Yogurt Pie is easy to make and a fresh dessert for the summer!


  • 2 cups coarsely crumbled graham crackers
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil

Filling & Topping

  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 2 cups sliced strawberries, divided
  • 2 tablespoons white rum
  • 1 tablespoon lime zest, divided
  1. To prepare the crust: Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9-inch pie pan with cooking spray.
  2. Process graham crackers in a food processor until finely ground. Add oil and process until well combined. Using your fingertips or the back of a spoon, press the crumb mixture into the bottom and up the sides of the prepared pan. Bake until just set, 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
  3. To make the filling: Whip cream in a medium bowl with an electric mixer until starting to thicken. Add sugar and continue whipping until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in yogurt.
  4. Puree 1 cup strawberries. Gently fold the strawberry puree, rum and 2 teaspoons lime zest into the yogurt-cream mixture.
  5. Spread the flavored yogurt-cream mixture into the cooled crust. Top with the remaining 1 cup strawberries and remaining 1 teaspoon lime zest. Freeze until very firm, at least 5 hours. To serve, let the pie stand at room temperature until softened slightly, about 15 minutes, before slicing.


Per la crosta:

2 bicchieri di biscotti sbriciolati

3 cucchiai di olio di semi

Per il ripieno:

3/4 bicchieri di panna

1/3 bicchiere di zucchero

1 bicchiere di yogurt greco bianco o vaniglia

2 bicchieri di fragole e pezzetti

2 cucchiai di rum bianco

1 cucchiaio di scorza di lime

Per preparare la crosta preriscaldare il forno a 180°c.

Frullate i biscotti, aggiungete l’olio e mescolate poi versate il composto nella forma scelta e premete con le mani sul fondo e sui bordi. Infornate per circa 10 minuti e poi lasciate raffreddare.

Per il ripieno montate la panna con lo zucchero. Aggiungete poi lo yogurt.

Frullate un bicchiere di fragole, poi aggiungetele al composto di yogurt con il rum e la scorza di lime.

Versate il ripieno sulla crosta e decorate con le altre fragole.

Ponete il congelatore per almeno 5 ore per raffermarsi.

Prima di servire lasciate la torta fuori per circa 15 minuti per ammorbidirsi leggermente.

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