Tiramisù ice cream

Tiramisù ice cream.

Tiramisù ice cream is what you need if you really crave a slice of tiramisù but it’s just too hot and want something nice and fresh!

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 egg yolks
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup Mascarpone at room temperature
  • 1 tsp (instant espresso powder or granules)
  • ¼ cup (one shot) espresso coffee
  • ½ tsp Kahlua or coffee liqueur of your choice
  1. In a saucepan, combine milk and cream and turn on the heat to medium-low. Heat milk until it is simmering.
  2. In a deep bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar, until pale and frothy. Add mascarpone cheese and mix until combined. (Use a wooden spoon or spatula, don’t beat mascarpone with electric mixer).
  3. Add ½ cup hot milk to the egg yolk – mascarpone mixture and whisk to combine. Pour mixture back in the pan with hot milk and mix to combine. Cook for 5-8 minutes on medium heat, stirring constantly, until custard it thick and covers the back of the spoon with a thin film.
  4. Pour mixture to a bowl and let is cool completely. Use an ice bath to speed up the process, or you can leave it in the fridge over night.
  5. Before you add mixture to your ice cream machine, add vanilla, coffee powder, espresso and coffee liqueur to it.
  6. Following the manufacturer’s instructions for your ice cream maker, freeze until it resembles soft serve ice cream. Transfer to a 9″x13″ pan, lined with parchment paper, cover and freeze until firm.
  7. Serve with a sprinkle of cocoa and pieces of cookies!





1 bicchiere di latte intero

1 bicchiere di panna

1/2 fialetta di vaniglia

3 tuorli

1/2 bicchiere di zucchero

1 bicchiere di mascarpone a temperatura ambiente

2 cucchiaini di caffè solubile

1/4 bicchiere di caffè

1 cucchiaino di liquore al caffè


In una pentola riscaldate il latte con la panna.

In una ciotola lavorate bene uova e zucchero. Aggiungete il mascarpone e amalgamate questa volta con un cucchiaio. Aggiungete 1/2 bicchiere del latte caldo al composto di mascarpone e poi versate il tutto nella pentola con il resto del latte e fate cuocere per 5-8 minuti.

Versate tutto in una ciotola e fate raffreddare completamente.

Aggiungete a questo punto la vaniglia, caffè, caffè solubile e liquore e poi versate nella macchina per il gelato e seguite le istruzioni della vostra macchina per il gelato!

Servite con una spolverata di cacao e savoiardi!

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