Ferrero Rocher Cake

Ferrero Rocher Cake 

Cake Layers
  • 7 large eggs, room temperature
  • ½ cups sugar, granulated
  • 2 cups finely ground hazelnuts or hazelnut flour
  • 3 Tbsp all purpose flour
  • 3 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 300 grams unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2¼ cups chopped chocolate or chocolate chips
  • ½ cup Nutella
  • 1.5 cup wafers, crushed
  • 10 Ferrero Rocher chocolates
  • ¾ cups hazelnuts, chopped / or ¾ cups wafers, crushed

Cake Layers
  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line 2 – 8 inch round pans with foil and spray with non stick spray, or butter the sides.
  2. Sift flour, cocoa & baking powder. Stir in ground nuts.
  3. Whip eggs on high speed, until frothy. Slowly add the sugar and continue whipping until tripled in volume, about 5 minutes.
  4. Fold dry ingredients into the eggs , in 3 additions.
  5. Divide the batter evenly between 2 – 8 inch pans and bake at 350F, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  6. Once baked, leave in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.
Make the Frosting
  1. Melt chocolate in microwave, on low heat, in short intervals, stirring each between each time. Bring to room temperature.
  2. Whip chocolate, butter & Nutella until thoroughly combined.
Put together.
  1. Once the cake is cool, split each cake in 2 even layers.
  2. Crush wafers 
  3. Reserve ¾ cup frosting for decorating.
  4. Place a dab of frosting onto a serving platter.
  5. Put 1 cake layer on top and press to adhere.
  6. Put ¼ of the remaining frosting onto the cake and spread around evenly. Sprinkle with ⅓ of the crushed wafers.
  7. Repeat above 2 steps with the remaining cake layers.
  8. Pipe stars on top of the cake.
  9. Cover the cake sides with reserved frosting.
  10. Press the crushed wafers or chopped hazelnuts onto the sides of the cake.
  11. Place 1 Ferrero Rocher on top of each piped star.


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Per la torta:

7 uova

1/2 bicchiere di zucchero

2 bicchieri di granella di nocciola

3 cucchiai di farina

3 cucchiai di cacao

3 cucchiai di lievito


Per il frosting:

300 gr di burro a temperatura ambiente

2 bicchieri e 1/4 di gocce di cioccolato

1/2 bicchiere di Nutella

wafer sbriciolati


Per decorare:

Ferrero Rocher e granella di nocciola.


Preriscaldate il forno a 180 °c e preparate due teglie imburrate ed infarinate.

Unite cacao, farina e nocciole.

Montate le uova e poi aggiungete lo zucchero e continuate a lavorare.

Aggiungete gli ingredienti asciutti e incorporate bene il tutto.

Suddividete l’impasto nelle due teglie ed infornate fino a quando lo stuzzicadente uscirà pulito.


Preparate il fronsting sciogliendo la cioccolata. Montate insieme il burro, la Nutella e cioccolata.


Assemblate la torta.

Mettete 1/4 del ripieno su uno strato della torta e sopra il frosting sbriciolate dei wafer.

Ripetete con ogni strato della torta se ne fate di più.

Coprite la torta con il rimanente frosting. Decorate con la granella di nocciola e i ferrero rocher!